Picture Description of a "Garden" | Describe the Picture of a Garden (Look and Tell) | Picture Talk


Describe the Picture

1. The picture shows a beautiful Garden with many trees, flowers, grass, birds, butterflies, and bees.

2. The trees have green leaves and brown branches, and they form a canopy over the park.

3. The flowers are pink and red, and they grow on the ground.

4. The grass is also green, and it covers the ground like a carpet.

5. The birds are yellow, and blue, and they have bright eyes and feathers.

6. The birds are sitting on the tree branches, and they look happy and lively.

7. The butterflies are blue and red, and they have intricate patterns on their wings.

8. The butterflies are flying near the flowers, and they look graceful and delicate

9. The bees are yellow and black, and they have fuzzy bodies and wings.

10. The bees are buzzing around the flowers, and they are collecting nectar and pollen.

11. The picture uses bright and warm colors, to create a cheerful and sunny mood.

12. The picture depicts an outdoor setting, where nature and wildlife are abundant and diverse.

13. The picture shows the beauty and harmony of the natural world, and how humans can enjoy and appreciate it.

14. The picture is a lovely and realistic portrayal of a typical

15. The picture is a work of art that can be appreciated and admired by anyone.

Picture Description

1. What is the setting of the image?

2. What color are the trees?

3. Are there flowers in the image?

4. How many birds are visible?

5. What insects are depicted in the image?
Butterflies and bees.

6. Is there grass visible?

7. How many butterflies can be seen?

8. Are the birds sitting on something?
Yes, on tree branches.

9. What colors are the birds?
Yellow, and blue

10. Are all birds facing same

11. Which insect is closest to yellow bird?

12. Which flower color can be seen in this picture?
Pink and Red

13. Can we see shadow of any object or living being here?

14. Which bird seems to be largest among all?
Blue Bird

15. Is butterfly flying above or below tree branch where birds are sitting?
