10 Lines Essay about My Favourite Snack - Popcorn 🍿| Few lines about Popcorn | #Popcorn


* Popcorn is one of the popular snack foods eaten while watching movies at home and at theatre.

* This is especially a favorite snack of children.

*;It is made by heating certain types of corn.

* When corn is heated, it explodes because it contains a small amount of water in it.

* A sharp noise is heard when the seed shell breaks due to heat.

* It was named as pop, because of this sharp noise.

* It will be white and fluffy after it pops out.

* To avoid noise, the easiest and simplest way to make popcorn is with a micro oven.

* To enhance the flavour, some flavours such as salt and butter or caramel and some other flavours are melted and mixed into the popcorn.

* It can be found anywhere and is a favourite snack for all ages.














#dayseye kids 

