Difference between Country chicken egg and Broiler chicken egg | Which is healthier? Country chicken egg or Broiler chicken egg
Difference between Country chicken egg and Broiler chicken egg
Country Chicken Egg
1. Country chicken eggs (Brown eggs) are obtained from red or brown feathered chickens with red earlobes.
2. They are usually made of large, dual-purpose breeds that can be used for both meat and eggs.
3. Brown eggs contain pigment, which causes the eggs to turn brown.
4. It contains brown color shell.
5. It is smaller in size.
6. The red or brown feathered chickens are more expensive to feed and raise.
7. The cost of brown eggs are expensive.
8. It is higher in taste than white eggs.
9. It is high in vitamin D and Omega -3 fatty acids.
10. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins and calories.
Broiler Chicken Egg
1. Broiler chicken Eggs (White eggs) are obtained from white feathered chickens with white earlobes.
2. They are usually made of small, single purpose breeds that can be used for only eggs.
3. White eggs do no contain pigment, which does not cause the eggs to turn brown.
4. It contains white color shell.
5. It is bigger in size.
6. The white feathered chickens are less expensive to feed and raise.
7. The cost of white eggs are efficient.
8. It is less delicious than brown eggs.
9. It is highly nutritious and can easily available everywhere.
10. It also contains almost the same amount of vitamins, minerals, proteins and calories.
Both the brown and white eggs are healthy in nature.
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