Difference between Waves and Tides | Waves vs Tides


Difference between waves and tides


1. Waves are caused by the winds blowing on the surface of the ocean or even lakes.
2. Waves are caused by a combination of ocean currents and wind action.
3. The height of the waves depends on the speed, duration and direction of the wind.
4. Waves are usually generated at shallower areas of the sea.
5. It can be seen in any water bodies.
6. It occurs many times a day.
7. Waves are in horizontal motion of water molecules at surface level.
8. Wave action is short duration, and somewhat variable.
9. For example, the weather changes every day (that’s the waves).
10. The types of ocean waves are Wind waves, Swell waves, Tidal waves, and Tsunamis.


1. Tides are periodic rise and fall of large masses of water.
2. It occurs due to the gravitational pull of the Sun and Moon on the Earth.
3. Tides are formed depending on the behavior of the moon and the sun.
4. Tides are usually generated at the deep oceanic regions.
5. It can be seen in ocean.
6. It occurs 2 times a day.
7. Tides have vertical motion of water molecules at surface level.
8. Tides are very predictable, since we are aware of the relative positions of the three bodies and how they affect large bodies of water.
9. For example, the seasons change every year (that’s the tides).
10. According to the height of the tide, it can be classified into High tide and Low tide. According to the lunar phase, tide can be classified into Spring and Neap tides.

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