Difference between City and Village | City vs Village

City vs Village


1. City is a place with lots of comfort and more environmental disturbance.
2. It is located in a larger land area.
3. City has more pollution than the village.
4. Life in the city offers more glamour, and entertainment, better educational, and medical facilities, and employment opportunities than village.
5. Professionals like doctors, lawyers, technocrats, all prefer to work in cities.
6. People in cities prefers small families.
7. Privacy and space are unattainable in cities.
8. In a city nothing works like corruption.
9. City people do not walk but race and run.
10. The biography of a city dweller can be better titled 'Hurry', 'Worry', 'Burry'.


1. Village is a place with less comforts and more eco friendly nature.
2. It is located in a smaller land area.
3. Village has less population than the city.
4. Most villages lack many facilities. Poverty and ignorance hold the villagers.
5. Professionals do not prefer to work in villages.
6. Villagers seem to prefer big families.
7. Privacy and space are attainable in villages.
8. Life in a village is a blessed one, free from all the evils that plague life in a city.
9. The pace of life in a village is unhurried.
10. The biography of a village dweller can be better titled 'Peaceful Life'.

