10 Lines Essay on "Cow" | A Short Essay about "Cow" | Domestic Animals | Farm Animals | Pet Animals


1. Cow is the most common farm and domestic animal in the world.
2. It is a four legged animal, which has a long tail, a mouth, two ears, two eyes, and two horns.
3. Many people are raising it as a livestock and for various needs.
4. It gives us milk, which is useful for making butter, ghee, sweets, dairy products, and etc.,
5. It is a herbivores animal, which eats green grass and other natural things.
6. It's offspring can be also used as a meat.
7. It's skin can be used for making leather products.
8. Cow dung is also used as a manure in the agricultural field.
9. It is also used as a fuel.
10. The cow is considered the most sacred animal of all animals.


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